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Smoked seafood, Tuna and Swordfish, true Sicilian excellences

Tuna and Swordfish are the Smoked of the sea, two of the most prized species in a mix of excellent smoked products. Both species: smoked tuna and smoked swordfish are caught and frozen directly on board the ship to preserve the organoleptic and nutritional qualities of the fish intact. Their smoking process takes place using technologically advanced systems, followed by expert hands that respect ancient Sicilian recipes of excellence handed down from generation to generation.

7,10 € each Smoked swordfish - MARE PURE
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6,34 € each Smoked red tuna - PURE SEA
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Sicilian Food Shop is an online store created and managed by the agency Bloweb of Mariano Macaluso. Via Primo Carnera, 2 - 90040, Capaci, PA - Italy - VAT number IT 06636120823. Registered with the Chamber of Commerce with REA PA Number - 404631

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