How to buy Sicilian food products wholesale HoReCa line
Let's start from the assumption that the prices of Sicilian food products HoReCa line are not visible to the public. In order to see the prices dedicated to the HoReCa sector you must log in with your account after registering and receiving the HoReCa activation confirmation email.
Once connected, on each product page you will see the price of the single product but you can only buy it in packs or cartons as described.
The sale of frozen products is only possible exclusively through shipping on pallets with refrigerated vehicles. Obviously this shipment has a fixed cost regardless of how much merchandise is included. The minimum order starts from 300 kg and reaches a maximum of 1200 kg, so we recommend inserting as many products as possible in order to spread the fixed cost of shipping over a large quantity of products, reducing the cost of the single product.
For some frozen products, produced in Palermo, we offer you the possibility of purchasing small quantities so that you can add different products to a frozen pallet, even from different companies, as long as they are always frozen products, always arriving at a total order that satisfies the minimum weight of 300 kg. of merchandise, required to activate the frozen shipment on pallets.
For other non-frozen products, purchasing from multiple suppliers is not possible.
You must place an order for a pallet of goods from a single supplier, for example Cantine Pepi wines: you can also add a single case of each type of wine as long as you reach an order with a minimum total weight of 50 kg. We always recommend filling the pallet as much as possible up to the maximum limit of 1200 kg, in order to spread the fixed cost over a large quantity of products.
For any doubts or technical problems during the purchase, please contact us.
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