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Sicilian Cannoli wafers, large size 18 cm. - HoReCa line, 80 pcs.

cannolo_grande2_18-19 cannolo_grande3_18-19 cannolo_grande_18-19
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Common price: 60,00 € HoReCa reserved price Weight: 4.5 kg
Brand: Food Shop PalermoFood Shop Palermo

30000 items in stock
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Classic Cannolo Wafers Large 18 cm. HoReCa Line

Made strictly according to the Palermo recipe. The cannoli wafers are the ideal base for any pastry shop that wants to make the famous traditional Sicilian cannoli.
Cannoli wafers are made fresh every day with natural ingredients by Cannolificio D'Agostino in Palermo, Sicily.
The Palermo recipe calls for the addition of cocoa to the dough, which gives it the traditional dark color.
One box contains 80 large pods.

May contain traces of nuts.

Frozen shipping -21°:

The minimum purchase for a frozen HoReCa shipment in Italy is a pallet of products, even mixed. You can add to your cart only frozen products from the HoReCa line, even from different companies, and fill a pallet. In this case, the shipment is managed by a specialized courier with refrigerated vehicles at -21°C.

Read: How to buy Sicilian food products wholesale HoReCa line

Once the product arrives at your home, it should be stored in the freezer.

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Sicilian Food Shop is an online store created and managed by the agency Bloweb of Mariano Macaluso. Via Primo Carnera, 2 - 90040, Capaci, PA - Italy - VAT number IT 06636120823. Registered with the Chamber of Commerce with REA PA Number - 404631

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